California Privacy Rights Portal
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA) are laws that enhances privacy rights and consumer protections for residents of the U.S. State of California.
Commencing on
January 1, 2023 California residents have new rights under the CPRA.
California residents have the right to make requests to businesses concerning the access or use of their personal information (PI). PI includes information that identifies, describes, or could reasonably be linked with a consumer or their household. The new CPRA allows California residents to request additional controls on companies’ use of their sensitive information.

What you can request
Know or Access
California residents can request to know or access the PI that a business has collected about them.
California residents can request that a business delete PI collected about them.
Correct Inaccurate Information
You can request that we change inaccurate personal information.
Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information
You can request that a business only use sensitive personal information to perform services you have requested.
Call Customer Care
If you prefer not to make your request online, you may also submit your request by contacting our Customer Care Center at (877) 977-9987